Ojai Energetics is the only full-spectrum organic CBD oil that’s 100% organic, water soluble, and made without synthetics or synthetically modified compounds.
Ojai Energetics is the only full-spectrum organic CBD oil that’s 100% organic, water soluble, and made without synthetics or synthetically modified compounds.
Co-director of the California Center for Functional Medicine, creator of ChrisKresser.com, and New York Times best-selling author
"I did an exhaustive search of the CBD products on the market.
The one that quickly rose to the top was Ojai Energetics Full Spectrum Hemp Elixir.
I’ve had patients that have tried three to five other brands of CBD without results that are getting huge benefits with this product."
1. Take the tongue test.
Because Ojai Energetics works so rapidly, it causes your body’s cannabinoid receptors in the tongue to modulate. Simply take a ¼ dropper, wait 30 seconds, then taste if it’s bitter or sweet. The taste will be bitter when your body needs more CBD, but will change to sweet when you have had enough.
2. Add it to your favorite recipes!
The superfood ingredients in our revolutionary water soluble CBD oil supercharge your favorite recipes with potent health benefits. Add it to:
2. Add it to your favorite recipes!
The superfood ingredients in our revolutionary water soluble CBD oil supercharge your favorite recipes with potent health benefits. Add it to:
CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of hundreds of phytonutrients (beneficial plant compounds) found naturally in hemp plants, and it offers some of the most diverse and potent wellness benefits found in nature. In studies, CBD has been show to offer support for pain and inflammation as well as promote a positive mood… support heart and brain health… and even offer powerful skin health benefits.
Moringa oleifera, also known as the drumstick tree or horseradish tree, is one of nature’s most nutritional superfoods. Loaded with essential vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron, and magnesium, it also features high levels of protein, potassium, and calcium. Moringa has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and it has earned a reputation as a star to support a healthy immune system.
Oil from hemp seeds contains the optimal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids, along with alpha linoleic acid (ALA), protein, vitamin E, iron, fiber, and essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. In fact, many people call hemp seeds the world’s “most nutritionally complete” food. They have been linked with optimal brain function and heart health… as well as reducing inflammation… improving skin appearance … and providing support for pain.
Not really a cherry at all, the acerola cherry produces cherry-like berries that are chock full of vitamin C. In fact, they have 30x as much vitamin C as oranges! This amazing superfood is also a powerful antioxidant, and it is most often used to promote a healthy immune system. It may also help boost alertness, promote healthy skin appearance, and support brain health.
"This product is AMAZING. It helps me focus during the day, sleep better at night, even helped me deal with the time change! It’s the only CBD I use and I always have 2 on hand in case a friend needs to try some. I refuse to run out!"
"Ojai Energetics is the real deal, with real technology and science backing every product. With so many CBD things coming out on the market, it’s so great to know that this Ojai Energetics is a credible, reliable place to get the best products. Thanks guys, amazing work!"
"What a fantastic product. My wife and I were both feeling sick coming back from a trip, and we decided to take this. I can’t describe how much better we felt, as if it regulated our bodies in some magical way. We spend the last few days fighting of the remainder! Can’t wait to order more."
"Been using these products for 5 months and they have changed my pain dramatically from an old injury. I had given up on CBD and this product is completely different .
Ojai Energetics is very different!"
"Pretty amazing, massive reduction in overall pain. Also assists in sleep. I was skeptical but am now a believer, this is a terrific product. There is so much other CBD crap on the market - try this first. The company ethos is also quite impressive."
"I’ve tried dozens of CBD products in the past couple of years and Ojai Energetics Full Spectrum Hemp Elixir has been amazing. I wasn’t seeing many benefits with other brands, but I am absolutely loving Ojai! Thanks for making a high quality product."
Traditional CBD
The water layer in your mucosa (a protective barrier that lines your organs and body cavities) prevents regular fat soluble compounds from entering your bloodstream because the body will try to filter out any unrecognizable or potentially harmful substances. When fat soluble oils do make it through your digestive and filtration systems, your body encapsulates the oil in little bubbles of water, which can then pass through the mucosa into the bloodstream. In the case of CBD oil, once the CBD oil is in the blood, it will exit the water bubble and move around freely in the body. But by the time this process is complete, 90% of the beneficial cannabinoids are destroyed by the enzymes in the liver and the stomach.
Ojai Energetics Water Soluble Technology
Our breakthrough water soluble technology allows users to get the most out of their CBD products by making sure the majority of the CBD gets to where it needs to go and the potent cannabinoids are not destroyed. Because it is already encapsulated in water, our organic CBD oil bypasses the normal digestive process and directly enters the bloodstream safely and effectively. This technology enables users to feel the benefits of CBD in a minute or less, as opposed to 30+ minutes with a traditional fat soluble CBD oil.
Full Spectrum vs. Isolate
Full spectrum CBD products contain all of the natural, health-promoting plant extracts found in hemp, including essential oils, terpenes (shown to have potent anti-inflammatory properties), and other beneficial cannabinoids that promote wellness. Full spectrum also means your CBD oil contains the good things found in hemp plants, like essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and beneficial fatty acids. In contrast, isolate CBD products contain only cannabidiol and remove all other ingredients.
CEO and Co-Founder at WellnessMama.com
"If you have been told to try CBD, or tried it without results, then you have to try Ojai Energetics.
I'll admit I was skeptical, and probably wouldn't notice an effect, but I really felt the difference within even a few seconds.
For me as a busy mom and business owner, nothing has come close."
First, because we aren’t a pharmaceutical drug company, we are required to be very careful with any health claims we make about our product.
This is fair because companies tend to exaggerate benefits, and it is important that you include your health practitioner if you plan on making any changes involving CBD to your prescription medications, diet, etc…
We recommend you search around online and find credible sources, talk to health practitioners educated in CBD, and talk to those who use it in order to come up with expectations.
Why is Ojai Energetics the best?
We encapsulate the full spectrum hemp oil in nano bubbles of water, so that it is instantly absorbed upon contact with the mouth. This allows most people to feel the benefits in 30 seconds not 30 minutes like normal CBD rich oils. It also increases the amount of CBD the body can use, over a 20x increase. We use only certified organic ingredients to do this, unlike anyone else who uses synthetically modified or synthetic compounds to encapsulate. This makes ours the fastest acting, safest, and most bioavailable CBD on the market.
Why is Ojai Energetics CBD a dark yellow color?
Ojai Energetics CBD is of a dark yellow color because we don’t remove the phytonutrients and chlorophyll from our product. Most other companies remove this coloring because of the formulation challenges they face. We keep the plant as whole as we can, and then encapsulate it in water to give you the most effective and advanced delivery system. At Ojai Energetics, we are the only ones to make a water soluble CBD oil that doesn’t include synthetic ingredients.
Why does Ojai Energetics CBD start to taste sweet?
The taste of CBD getting sweeter as it approaches the correct dose is a function of the CB2 receptors in the tongue modulating indicating the optimal dosage amount of CBD for the body for that day. This is due to our rapid absorption technology, and no other CBD oil on the market – whether fat-based or solubilized – does this. Please see the CBD Dosage Guide for instructions.
Will CBD show up on a drug test?
There are only trace amounts of THC in CBD, which is well below the federal legal limit. Many people have taken our products without issues of failed tests, including a pro racer who got tested by NASCAR, law enforcement, and other professionals who are tested for drugs on a regular basis. CBD is like a poppy seed bagel, in that there are trace amounts of compounds that, in theory, could show a false positive on a drug test. We do not make any guarantees regarding drug tests, and CBD users should use their best judgment.
Where can I find the ingredients and lab test results for Ojai Energetics CBD?
You can find ingredients and test results for Ojai Energetics organic CBD on our website by lot number. Click here to see the CBD lab test results for a specific CBD product.
When should I take CBD oil?
The morning time is the best time to take CBD unless you want to use it for improved sleep quality. In that case, you should take CBD about an hour before sleep for the best results. You can take CBD with or without food, and throughout the day if you feel the need.
How long does a bottle of CBD last?
There are 30 full droppers in every 1 oz. bottle of CBD, with the bioavailable equivalent of approximately over 5,000mg of CBD of a fat-based CBD product. Everyone’s body and needs are different. On average, bottles of our CBD tincture last about a month, give or take, depending on the user. Full spectrum CBD oil has an inverse tolerance, which means that less CBD is needed for the same results after the initial loading period for most people.
Where is the Ojai Energetics hemp oil from?
We use Colorado Farm Bill-compliant, certified organic hemp flowers. We then use C02 to extract the oil to create our CBD products.
We exist to be a catalyst for good. With our non-negotiable, triple bottom line policy of putting people and planet before profits while being fiscally successful we are being the change we want to see in the world. We strive to run our company with these values, exemplified by running our servers with wind energy, and ensuring access to health products for those who cannot afford them. We work to build relationships with the farmers who grow the ingredients we use, ensuring fair trade wages, and only supporting regenerative farming practices. We will always ensure from seed to planting to the final products in your hands that we have made the world a better place without cutting corners. We are always working to improve the standards for all the communities we touch. By honoring and valuing people, the environment, and all other members of Life (while still being a successful business) we are a living example that success does not need to be at the expense of others well being. We love life, and we love you.
This offer is available only in the United States.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.